The TV series and the animated series of Planet of the Apes both ended in a similar fashion. In the TV series, human inventor Leuric and chimpanzee Galen piloted a primitive hang-glider along the coast, escaping from apes who gave them up for dead. In the last episode of the animated series, astronaut Bill Hudson and chimpanzee scientist Dr. Cornelius fly a primitive hot-air balloon back to New Valley with a book which Cornelius will use to prove that intelligent man existed before intelligent ape.[13]
- ↑ Taylor remarks on 14 July 1972 that it is exactly six months - Ship Time - since his ship launched from Cape Kennedy.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 The first film clearly shows 3978 as the Earth Time as the ship submerges. However, the year 3955 is given in the second movie by Brent, and in the third movie Zira says that the Earth will be destroyed in 3955. By the fifth movie, when Caesar visits the archives to hear recordings of his parents, we find that the date that Zira states is somewhat garbled, and so Caesar wrongly assumes '3950' as the year for the arrival of Taylor's and Maddox's flights and the destruction of the Earth. The most obvious explanation is that Paul Dehn simply didn't check the facts before writing the script.
- ↑ The month indicated in a timeline published in Marvel Comics' Planet of the Apes Magazine #11.
- ↑ Taylor's crew departed in January 1972, followed by Brent's some time shortly after. The three apes arrived in Taylor's ship which, according to the President, was "one of two that disappeared over two years ago", making it at least 1974. However, in the fifth movie, MacDonald finds the archive tapes of Cornelius and Zira, which are dated 1973. The fourth movie is specifically set in 1991, but is "twenty years" after Ceasar was born.
- ↑ This is the date their ship hits an electrical storm and sends them through time.
- ↑ The intro to each episode gave the arrival date as June 14, but the ship clock was stuck on March 21 in episode 1.
- ↑ Virdon and Burke guess that Trang's ship is one that was developed by NASA in the 1970s.
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 Timeline of the Planet of the Apes: The Definitive Chronology by Rich Handley
- ↑ Marvel Comics' Planet of the Apes adaptation was based on Michael Wilson's shooting script, in which the clock indicating Earth Time read 3975 when Taylor awoke. Marvel presumably intended Zane to arrive in the same year as Taylor. The date on screen was 3978.
- ↑ The short film clips recorded in 1981 to accompany the re-edited TV movies featured an aged Galen, who revealed: "Virdon and Burke? Oh, well, they found their computer in another city and disappeared into space just as suddenly as they'd arrived." Whether they actually made it back to their own time, a different period in time, or even survived the journey is unknown. Presumably their testimony would have had some influence on human attitudes had they returned to pre-revolutionary Earth.
- ↑ The date that the crew entered hibernation.
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 The introduction to the Planet of the Apes GameBoy is based on the introduction to the first movie, with only slight modifications. Ben's 'Ship Time' clock reads July 14, 1973 rather than July 14, 1972 (perhaps indicating that Ben's mission was launched exactly one year after Taylor's). He refers to his crew, and at least one other crew-member can be seen while he is talking. They are not mentioned again, presumably having died in the crash. Ben has been sent to rescue Taylor (and his crew?), and finds evidence left behind by Taylor. While Ben doesn't find Taylor, he does find his ship intact (?) in the mutant city and escapes the planet in it.
- ↑ FAQ Page at The Last Flight of the Icarus