Planet of the Apes Wiki
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Planet of the Apes Roleplaying Game Logo

Publisher Overview[]

"Become an intellectual Chimpanzee who seeks to better apekind through science and exploration. Choose an Orangutan statesape whose weapons are philosophical debate, political savvy, and the power of the Sacred Scrolls themselves. Perhaps a Gorilla soldier is more your style—honor bound to protect Ape City and lead aggressive expansions into new territories.

What else, if not an ape? Be a time-lost astronaut struggling to grasp a world gone insane. Become a mute tribal human forced to scavenge for resources as you are hunted by murderous gorillas on horseback. The rules even allow you to play mutant survivors who use the power of their minds to turn their enemies against each other.

Your adventures in this world of madness will take you to the ruins of a world destroyed—see what remains of the Statue of Liberty, the ostentatious Ape City, the foreboding Forbidden Zone, and the mysterious mutant undercity. It is a world defined by the stark contrasts of brutality and civility. Are you ape enough to handle the truth about the world you live in or will you lose your mind to it?

Built on the official Magnetic Variant (D6MV) of the classic D6 System role-playing game rules created by West End Games, PLANET OF THE APES is easy to learn yet full of challenges to master. With settings and lore written by a team of celebrated writers and designers under the lead of science fiction novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska, this core rulebook contains all you need to roleplay in this upside-down world where apes evolved from humans."[1]

Creative team[]

The RPG team is headed up by ENnie and UKGE award-winner and creative director Andrew E.C. Gaska (Alien RPG, Terminator RPG, Carbon Grey RPG) and game designer E.L. Thomas (Rolled and Told, Choose your Own Adventure). Andrew authored the novels Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes and Death of the Planet of the Apes, and has won multiple awards as lead lore and adventure writer for Free League Publishing’s ALIEN Roleplaying Game. E.L. Thomas has worked on numerous story bibles and scripts for animation, and co-created the Lion Forge/Oni Press gaming periodical Rolled & Told, as well as co-writing the adaptation of two Choose Your Own Adventure titles into graphic novels.

Additional Writers:[]

Special thanks to[]

  • Kevin Pearl, Eugene Paraszczuk, Nicole Spiegel, Chris Northrop, Craig Atkins, John Brent Macek, and Adrien (Andrew E.C. Gaska´s cat).



Planet Primer[]

"In a world turned upside down, civilized apes sit at the top of the evolutionary ladder, ruling over a population of primal humans. But this dominion will not go unchallenged. Wayward astronauts arrive to lead an uprising, questioning this madness and the events that led to this topsy-turvy, backward future. Political intrigue, societal conflict, and fantastical, dangerous mysteries abound on this planet ruled by apes!

Built on the celebrated, time-tested D6 System developed by RPG pioneer West End Games, this exciting science fiction adventure series brings a wealth of new features and roleplaying mechanics for a new generation of gamers.

Players will be easily thrust into the PLANET OF THE APES through the new "Magnetic Variant (D6MV)" Rule Set taking full advantage of the unique and popular “Wild Die" system and other unique role-playing systems. Adventures in PLANET OF THE APES will be as thrilling and cinematic as players dare to imagine."[3]

The Planet Primer is a 25-page guide offered for free during the Roleplaying Game campaign as a prelude to the Core Rulebook release. It introduced potential new players to the franchise's background, character creation, and key game elements. Among these were Motives and Quirks, along with gameplay dynamics such as Adjudicating Rewards, Mementos, and Archetype Templates.

The Official PLANET OF THE APES RPG Quickstart Rules[]

This Quickstart is just the beginning of your journey across a planet controlled by apes. This download allows you a glimpse of what's in store for you by letting you play pre-generated ape characters. In addition to adventures and rules for playing pre-generated simians, the complete Role-Playing Game of the Planet of the Apes Core Rulebook will allow your players to create their own characters. Just choose an ape and then choose an archetype to play. With the former quota system abolished, any ape can have any career. And gorillas,  orangutans, and chimpanzees are just the beginning. You can also assume the roles of mute tribal humans, two factions of mysterious mutants, and the most dangerous creatures of all— the so-called “astro-nauts”!

Instead of playing within one character group, you might want a more diverse gaming experience. You can even run adventure parties comprised of apes, mutants, and humans working together! Utilizing the Magnetic Variant of the world-renowned West End Games D6 game system (D6MV), the Core Rulebook also contains rules and statistics for the following:

  • More gear, weapons, and vehicles, including spacecraft.
  • Twenty-four character templates to choose from!
  • New Character Quirks, Motives, and Remarkable Abilities.
  • Heroic Stun Rules.
  • Mysterious mutant Psionic Powers.
  • Keep track of fear, terror, and tensity with Psychometrics and Mental Trauma rules.
  • Statistics for a variety of fearsome Foes, awesome Allies, and mutated Monstrosities.
  • Environmental Zone Effects allow you to quickly drop your apes into any hostile environment!
  • Random episode hooks and easy episode generator tables help you create your own adventures on a planet where apes evolved from men![4]

Core Rulebook[]

"In a future world dominated by intelligent Apes, Humans are kept as slaves and curiosities with no rights and little freedom. Building on the classic films, TV series, novels, and animated series, this official Roleplaying Game contains all of the rules and general setting details necessary to bring the thrills of Planet of the Apes to your tabletop game night.

Written by multiple award-winning lead designer Andrew E.C. Gaska (Alien RPG, The Terminator RPG), this highly-anticipated title will transport readers and gamers to the world only visualized on screens. Designed and written by a collection of writers and artists who have contributed to the PLANET OF THE APES properties for multiple decades, this book is a must-have for any fan of the property whether they are role-playing gamers or merely interested readers."[5]

The 308 page[6] Core Rulebook features artwork by Marvel Comics artist Bill Sienkiewicz and contains all of the rules, statistics, and lore necessary to introduce new players to the world of Planet of the Apes.[7] It includes player-character templates for ape characters, tribal mute humans, ANSA "astro-nauts," and two factions of mutants. A variety of NPC and creature templates, labeled by relative threat, are included in the GM's section.[6]

The Core Rulebook was scheduled for release on March 11, 2025; however, as a holiday gift, digital PDF copies were emailed to the Kickstarter backers on December 25, 2024.

The ANSA files Sourcebook[]

"This official sourcebook companion to the PLANET OF THE APES RPG contains an encyclopedic resource of iconic characters, locations, items, and agendas from the classic film series, TV series, novels, and more to expand your adventures. Written by a roster of notable PLANET OF THE APES authors who have contributed to the canon over the years, including ANDREW E.C. GASKA, DAVID AVALLONE, DAVID F. WALKER, and many, many more."[8]

Into the Forbidden Zone Boxed Set[]

Planet of the Apes Roleplaying Game Into the Forbidden Zone Box Set

Into the Forbidden Zone Box Set

This adventure box set contains an assortment of supplemental tools and content such as maps, player markers, 12 6-sided dice, a reference screen, statistic cards, and a campaign adventure book.


"While everything is generally exactly as is in the films, the player characters can choose to be, 'I want to be Chimpanzee soldier instead of being a Gorilla soldier'. You are the brave new generation that is going to make a difference in this world"

Andrew E.C. Gaska, Planet of the Apes The Roleplaying Game | E.C. Gaska Interview

The creative team took into account the mention of the quota system being lifted in the original Planet of the Apes movie, allowing players to freely choose the career of their character regardless of their ape´s species. If a player chooses to play as a tribal human, they cannot speak directly and must communicate through gestures to convey their actions to other players or the Game Master. Over time, the character can learn sign language, and eventually, they may gain the ability to speak, similar to Nova in Beneath the Planet of the Apes.[9]



Art gallery[]

Art by Runa I. Rosenberger[]

Art by Bill Pulkovski[]

Art by Chris Scalf[]

