Planet of the Apes Wiki

Julius was a gorilla soldier charged with security at Doctor Zira's animal hospital in 3978. Like most of his species, he despised humans and felt they existed as nothing more than lower order animals, although he seemed less brutal towards the humans than the soldiers. He developed a particular dislike for the captured astronaut George Taylor who had been confined to a cage at the hospital after suffering injury during a hunt. Julius delighted in tormenting Taylor and chastised him, calling him a "freak", while washing him down with a high-powered water hose. He reluctantly aided Zira in her attempts to communicate with Taylor. A short time later, Doctor Zira's nephew Lucius helped Taylor to escape custody. He distracted Lucius, edging him near the bars of the cage, enabling Taylor to grab him from behind. Lucius then struck Julius with a blunt object, rendering him unconscious (Taylor twice beat up Julius when escaping his cell). Although Julius doubtlessly survived the assault, he could not escape the fate that befell all of Earth's inhabitants only a short time later when his former prisoner, George Taylor, destroyed the planet by launching the Alpha-Omega Bomb.



