Charles Marshall is a comic book writer who contributed material to the Planet of the Apes comic book series by Malibu Graphics. Adventure Comics, a subsidiary of Malibu Graphics, had numerous separate Planet of the Apes projects on line, initially under the creative guidance of Marshall. Besides being a successful copywriter, he penned a syndicated newspaper column and had worked for various comic book companies. Marshall began his tenure amongst the Apes when Adventure Comics Creative Director Tom Mason gave him a shot at pitching concepts for the title. Mason was so impressed with his ideas that Marshall was put in charge of the monthly title as well as a four-issue spin-off mini-series, Ape City. These in turn led to spin-offs such as A Day on the Planet of the Apes and Ape Nation.
- Planet of the Apes #1
- Planet of the Apes #2
- Planet of the Apes #3
- Planet of the Apes #4
- Planet of the Apes #5
- Planet of the Apes #6
- Planet of the Apes #7
- Planet of the Apes #8
- Planet of the Apes #9
- Planet of the Apes #10
- Planet of the Apes #11
- Planet of the Apes #12
- Planet of the Apes #13
- Planet of the Apes #14
- Planet of the Apes #15
- Planet of the Apes #16
- Planet of the Apes #17
- Planet of the Apes #18
- Planet of the Apes #19
- Planet of the Apes #20
- Planet of the Apes #21
- Planet of the Apes #22
- Planet of the Apes #23
- Planet of the Apes #24
- Planet Of The Apes: The Monkey Planet
- Ape City #1
- Ape City #2
- Ape City #3
- Ape City #4
- Ape Nation #1
- Ape Nation #2
- Ape Nation #3
- Ape Nation #4
- A Day on the Planet of the Apes