The Battle of Muir Woods, also known as the Battle on the Hill, was a battle between the Ape Army and Alpha-Omega in Muir Woods. The battle resulted in an Ape victory, albeit with heavy losses from both sides. It marked the third major battle of the Human-Ape War.
A platoon of Alpha-Omega, working under Colonel J. Wesley McCullough, were assigned to assault an ape trench in the Muir Woods, with guidance from McCullough's various Donkeys, including Red. Reaching a point, squad captain Rod Wilson spotted three apes on horseback and prepared to shoot but Red stopped him, pointing out another Donkey in the trees who spotted something. Wilson soon eyed a fort on the trench and noticed more armed apes.
Contacting McCullough to update him on the situation, Wilson received orders to attack. Having the marksman Preacher shoot one of the three ape guards named Kolo, the squad attacked the apes and opened fire, though one of the apes, Spear, managed to escape and call for reinforcements.
Despite massive casualties from the apes and the Alpha-Omega advancing, the apes counter-attacked the assault by firing a barrage of arrows at the soldiers. Preacher was among the four survivors who avoided being hit and reported to McCullough before he was discovered and captured by an ape.
After the battle, the surviving apes were tasked with finding the dead and injured. The injured apes were treated with bandages made from wooden ropes while the dead were piled up together to be transported with wooden wagons by horse to a stream to be covered up and sent away by a waterfall. Once the apes in the village had word of the battle, Caesar, Luca, Winter, and Maurice arrived to deal with the prisoners.