In the Planet of the Apes franchise the apes are divided into a strict Ape Caste System depending on their race.
(PB) Pierre Boulle novel[]
In the original novel by Pierre Boulle, there were three castes in the system divided between chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and some smaller monkey species.
- Chimpanzees: Intellectuals, Scientists, Doctors, Citizens
- Gorillas: Soldiers, Hunters, Laborers
- Orangutans: Politicians, Scientists, Priests
(APJ) Arthur P. Jacobs films[]
In the films Planet of the Apes and Beneath the Planet of the Apes, the ape community was divided into three separate castes.
- Chimpanzees: Intellectuals, Scientists, Doctors, Citizens, Professionals
- Gorillas: Soldiers, Police, Hunters, Laborers, Guardians
- Orangutans: Politicians, Administrators, Lawyers, Priests, Governors
(TB) Tim Burton film[]
In the 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes, the caste system was not a very strict one with other apes occupying the same caste.
- Chimpanzees: Hunters, Soldiers, Scientists, Politicians
- Gorillas: Hunters, Soldiers, Laborers
- Orangutans: Politicians, Laborers
(CE) Chernin Entertainment films[]
In the second film of the reboot series Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the ape community was beginning to show signs of a caste system.
- Chimpanzees: Doctors, Soldiers, Hunters, Politicians
- Gorillas: Guardians, Hunters, Soldiers, Politicians
- Orangutans: Soldiers, Politicians