See also: Timelines
Planet of the Apes Timeline[]
Continuity | Event | Source |
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Production Timeline[]
- January 1: Actor Victor Buono passes away. Buono featured in the 1970 film Beneath the Planet of the Apes, playing the leading mutant, Adiposo.
- January 3: Comedy sketch show Planeta dos Homens, loosely based on the Planet of the Apes concept, ends its six-year run on Brazil's TV Globo.
- March 29: Actor Chad Rook is born. Rook portrayed Boyle in the 2017 movie War for the Planet of the Apes.
- July 9: Actor Toby Kebbell is born. Kebbell played Koba in 2014's Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
- July 21: Actor Baynes Barron passes away. Barron featured in the Planet of the Apes television series episode "The Deception", as Perdix.
- November 16: Escape from the Planet of the Apes actor Peter Forster passes away.
Previous 1981 |
Years 1982 |
Next 1983 |